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Purity Coffee - PROTECT
  • Purity Coffee - PROTECT


    Ingredient: Organic arabica coffee


    Description by Purity Coffee


    At Purity Coffee we make every decision based on health, and our vision is to improve the world’s health through coffee. We study the latest scientific research to improve continuously how we source, test, roast and deliver our coffees.


    We begin with the following fundamental standards as a baseline from which we develop additional standards as the science presents new information:


    • Certified organic and tested free of pesticides and other contaminants
    • Mold-free
    • Mycotoxin-free
    • Rainforest Alliance Certified for environmental and social standards
    • Specialty grade for exceptional taste and highest quality beans
    • Regeneratively and/or biodynamically farmed for sustainability

    We continue to look for the best coffees and we’re always researching ways to make our coffee even healthier, and we want consumers to have more choice in coffee to meet their health goals. The deeper we go, the more we understand that coffee is extremely complex, and various beneficial compounds can be created and destroyed at different roast levels.

    This year at Purity we wanted to develop a coffee that we believe follows the science on contributing to liver health. It was the obvious place to start because over the last three decades there is mounting evidence for a positive effect of coffee on liver function and health.


    Here are the highlights:

    • Studies range from reports on coffee reducing risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer to demonstrating evidence for coffee as a beneficial tonic across the spectrum of liver diseases. In 2013 Saab et. al. published a systematic review that included a table of 12 key studies (over 93,000 subjects) assessing impact of coffee on liver related health outcomes from 1993 to 2010, all of which showed positive health benefits of coffee on the liver.
    • Several studies consistently show that coffee drinkers with chronic liver disease have a reduced risk of cirrhosis and a lower incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma regardless of primary etiology. Epidemiological studies strongly suggest that drinking about 3 cups of coffee can reduce the risk or severity of liver damage from various causes (Heath et al. 2017).
    • Elevated liver enzymes often indicate inflammation or damage to liver cells, which then leak higher than normal amounts of certain chemicals into the bloodstream, elevating liver enzymes on blood tests. Coffee consumption is inversely related to serum liver enzyme activity: Results showed that people who said they drank three or more cups of coffee a day had lower levels of these enzymes, compared with people who did not drink any coffee. (Tanaka et al. 1998).
    • In 2010 Lenore Arab reviewed a substantial amount of epidemiological evidence of over 500 papers relating to the consumption of coffee to various human cancers. She condensed the findings of the meta analyses and more recent papers on site-specific human cancers. For hepatocellular and endometrial cancers, there is a strong and consistent protective association (Arab 2010).

    Purity Protect is a light-medium roast, very high in CGA, with sweet citrus characteristics.

    Purity Protect follows a profile laid out in the scientific literature and hits several points that have been proven to be critical. We searched for a coffee that we believe could reflect the science for liver health.

    High chlorogenic acid levels, but balanced by sugars in the coffee, so that the coffee is sweet, flavorful and clean-tasting.

    This specific single origin from Colombia is processed via a “honeyed process” allowing the natural coffee fruit sugars to deliver a very drinkable coffee, since the science encourages 3-5 cups of coffee a day.

    We hope you enjoy the newest addition to the Purity Coffee lineup.



    There are hundreds of compounds working together in a cup of coffee, but these are most often mentioned in scientific studies:

    • Chlorogenic Acids
    • Caffeine
    • Diterpenes (Cafestol and Kahweol)
    • Melanoidins

    In order to discuss coffee and the liver, let’s summarize the main diseases of the liver—each of these are studied in conjunction with coffee.


    PROTECT Formulated for:

    • Liver support
    • Metabolic vitality
    • Antioxidant support
    • Diseases and Coffee's Impact
    •  Fibrosis
    •  Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD)
    •  Cirrhosis
    •  Liver Cancer
    • Mechanisms of Coffee's Impact on the Liver
    •  Chlorogenic Acids
    •  Diterpenes: Cafestol & Kahweol  (C&K)
    •  Melanoidins
    •  Coffee Caffeine: More Than Just Wakefulness

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